3 Great Ways to Start Your Day

3 Great Ways to Start Your Day

Here are three ways you can start your day off and make it a better day by putting God first.

Starting out with Prayer

This seems a no-brainer but how often do we start our day off without prayer?  I have started to make this the very first thing I do before I even get out of bed. I pray that God can use me to glorify His name even if it’s at my own expense and that He makes a divine appointment for me today to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with at least one person.  D.L. Moody made a covenant with God that I truly took to heart.  He covenanted that he would witness for Christ to at least one person each day. One night, about ten o’clock, he realized that he had not yet witnessed; so he went out in to the street and spoke to a man standing by a lamppost, asking him, “Are you a Christian?” The man flew into a violent rage and threatened to knock Moody into the gutter. Later that same man went to an elder in the church and complained that Moody was “doing more harm in Chicago than ten men were doing good.” The elder begged Moody to temper his zeal with knowledge. Three months later Moody was awakened at the YMCA by a man knocking at the door.  It was the man he had witnessed to. “I want to talk to you about my soul,” he said to Moody. He apologized for the way he had treated Moody and said that he had had no peace since that night on Lake Street when Moody witnessed to him. Moody led the man to Christ and he became a zealous worker in the Sunday school.  If you give God your first portion of the day, He will honor that by sending you divine appointments in ways and places you might not expect.

No Breakfast before Bible

I started reading my Bible right after praying in the morning even though this is not always easy but I wanted to honor God with the first portion of my day like Israel gave God the first portion which was called the tithe (or 10%).  I know this is hard but it seems that when I skip my Bible and eat breakfast first, the day doesn’t go as well as those days where I read a portion out of the Old Testament and then a portion out of the New Testament.  If I don’t partake of the daily bread, which is the Word of God, then I am ill-equipped because of my famine of the Word. I’ve got spiritual hunger pains the rest of the day but if the Word gets into me, then the Word stays in me throughout the day.  Make a covenant with yourself….no breakfast before Bible and I promise you won’t regret it.

Make a Lasting Farewell

I heard of a true story where a husband and wife had a terrible argument and the husband left angrily slamming the door behind him.  Later that morning, the man was killed in a car accident.  The woman grieved over the fact that the last words that she ever spoke to her husband were said in anger.  I believe that the five most important words we could ever speak to our loved ones are these; “I love you” and “I’m sorry.”  My wife has just retired but before that, if we weren’t always able to see each other before one of us headed to work, we left each other notes. This way we felt like we said our “goodbyes” for the day and our “I love you” was at least written, if not spoken.  If we did see each other before the other left for work, the last thing each of us said to one another was “I love you.”  In case anything ever happens and we don’t see each other again until heaven, I want my last words to be “I love you.”  I’ll have no regrets with that.

May God richly bless you,

Pastor Jack Wellman



Image source: Zach Dischner

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