3 Positive News Stories to Check Out

3 Positive News Stories to Check Out

Not all news is bad news, in fact, if you look hard enough, you’ll find some great things are happening out there today.

Mother Dog Nursing Kittens

The Huffington Post reported on a story about when someone had found 3 abandoned pets, they were turned in to Robyn Arouty, a photographer from Houston, an avid animal lover.  Amazingly, Duchess, a Yorkshire terrier recently who had puppies and apparently had been abandoned, was acting like a mother to two tiny little kittens that had also been abandoned.  Since Duchess had recently given birth to some puppies, she was still able to give milk and so this mother dog acted as a mother to these kittens and has been nursing them, cleaning them, protecting them and compassionately and tenderly loving them…as if she were their real mother.  And the kittens treat Duchess no differently than they would their own mother.  God has hardwired animals in a special and unique way, hasn’t He?  This precious mother dog who has adopted these kittens as her own is a glory to her Creator, God, and Who Himself loves His creatures.

Read the full story here

Starving Himself to Feed the Homeless

A good news website, DailyGood.org, covered a story that made me stop and think about how we can help those who are less fortunate in a way we might not have ever thought about.  I think we’re all heartbroken over the problem of homelessness, particularly in the winter but it isn’t always wise to just walk up to a homeless person and give them cash…so how about feeding them?  That’s what Anton Cobb thought and so decided to skip his lunch so that others might have something to eat. His heart was touched when he read about a girl who received food from a local food bank. What’s harder than seeing someone homeless?  See children go hungry so when Anton Cobb, a 32 year old salesman read this touching account, he decided he was going to try and make a difference so every Wednesday he sacrifices buying his own lunch to donate to those who have nothing to eat.  This man sits alone at a table with a checkered covered tablecloth and in his own unique way, gets other people to donate the money they would spend on lunch to feed the homeless.  People see there is so much to do that no one person can do anything so it seems that no one does anything but everyone can at least do something, even if it’s one thing.

Read the full story here

From Shelters to Police Dogs

More and more, police and sheriff departments are getting their police dogs from animal shelters and why not?  Most of the purebred police dogs that are trained in Europe can cost in the tens of thousands of dollars but what police and sheriff departments are discovering is that local dogs that have been impounded in the local shelters can be trained to be just as effective as those that come across the ocean.  ABC news reported that this trend is growing and spreading across many of the nation’s law enforcement agencies.  This is truly a win-win for all.   The local police and sheriff’s departments spend less on the dogs and this saves taxpayer’s money and the population of the local animal shelters is less burdened.  And of course we can’t forget about the benefit for the dog.  The dog now has a purpose and since they are now being used in society, fewer are being put to sleep so this is a humane, spendthrift, and logical way to take a bad situation and make it good.

Read the full story here


There is really some good news out there. You just have to look for it.  Bad news sells more than good news so apparently you won’t hear much about the good things that are happening out there today but they are.  The best news of all of course is that Jesus died for sinners and brings eternal life for those who repent and trust in the Savior.  Some day in the kingdom, all the news will be good.

May God richly bless you,

Pastor Jack Wellman



Image sources: CC BY Bessem Hamud, CC BY E Haug

Modifications: cropeed, text added

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