4 Ways To Encourage Others

Here are four great ways you can encourage others.

Show Appreciation

We have a music worship leader in our church that has a master’s degree in music, so this man’s calling is obviously to help us worship God in song, so I often tell him that I appreciate what he does for us. I remind others of this man’s gift and service to the church. When we tell others “Thank you,” we are showing our appreciation and by doing so, we are encouraging them.

Public Thanks

I love to publically thank people for what they do for the church or for me. Sometimes during my sermons, I give out accolades to those who no one else seems to notice, and single them out and give them thanks publically so that others can know what they do. Why not brag on someone publically, before others, and in this way, you can encourage them, but you might also encourage others to do the very same thing and that is to give thanks to others in front of others.

Seeing Growth

We have a newer member in our church that over the last year, I have seen growth. One of the most impressive things I’ve noticed about “Paul” is that he is growing and learning but has maintained his humility. God cannot use anyone until they are humble because God resists the proud of heart (James 4:6), so encourage someone by noticing that they are growing in the faith.

Building Up

The Apostle Paul has great advice for all of us and that is to “encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing” (1st Thess 5:11), and by all means, “Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear” (Eph 4:29). Most of the world is interested in tearing others down by gossip or other means, but we’re not to be like that. We must be building up one another in words and deeds, not tearing down one another.


I hope this encourages you but also inspires you to encourage others by showing appreciation to them; by publically thanking them; by noticing their spiritual growth; and by building one another up in love. That’s what we are called to do.

May God richly bless you,

Pastor Jack Wellman

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