5 Biblical Tips For Newlyweds

Here are five biblical tips that can help newlyweds.

Love is a Verb

Love is a feeling and can be expressed in words, but the broadest definition of love is not about feelings, but about action. Love does speak louder than words, so let your love be expressed in deeds. The love of God was no better displayed than on the cross by Christ (John 3:16), and that kind of love couldn’t be described in words anyway, but love is a verb; it’s what you do! Show your love by doing! You can’t express true love in a greeting card.

Respect their Privacy

I know it sounds odd to tell newlyweds to respect one another’s privacy because they’ve just been married, and seeing the couple has just gotten married, it’s going to take some time to adjust to one another. They’ve already lost some privacy by getting married, so at least respect their privacy when it’s obvious they want some.

Put God First

When I say, put God first, that doesn’t mean you neglect your spouse. We know God wants us to do good to all people, especially our spouses, but if you make God that third cord, you’ll have a threefold cord, it’s not so easily broken (Eccl 4:12). Newlyweds should also learn to depend on God’s strength in their marriage and not depend on their human strength. When we put God first, we put God in the marriage.

Protect the Home Turf

What I mean by saying newlyweds should protect the home tur is that when a couple gets married, they should leave their parents out of their marriage, for the most part. I believe it’s unwise to share too much information with your parents when talking about your spouse. Some things should remain private. The Bible says, “a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh” (Gen 2:24), meaning he leaves his old family and starts a new one. That’s why it’s very unwise to live with parents (if they have a choice) or live next door to parents because in-law interference can destabilize a newlyweds marriage…or any marriage.

Honoring One Another

The Bible commands all Christians to “Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor” (Rom 12:10), but also to “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves” (Phil 2:3). Since this is commanded for brothers and sisters, should we do any less for our newlywed wife or husband? To honor, cherish, and love your spouse, means you show that in deed, by being courteous, kind, and loving, but also forgiving.


There are many good Christian authors who can help strengthen marriages from the very beginning. Take advantage of these resources, but also keep having fun together, and laughing together, and serving one another. Servanthood is the glue that joins a couple together and God then binds it.

May God richly bless you,

Pastor Jack Wellman

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