Faith in the News

The Riot and the Dance – Movie Review

The Riot and the Dance is a One Day Only Event (March 19th at 7:00 p.m.) Get your ticket for a movie theater near you today…..

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Nature and science shows were very popular in my house when the children were growing up. The funny thing is, now that they are grown with children of their own, we seldom enjoy such shows. This is why I was excited to be asked to review a new nature documentary “The Riot and the Dance” that will be released for one day only in limited theatres on March 19th. Read my review here to learn why you will agree that it is a “must see” for you too.

God’s Glory Even in the Mundane

We often praise God for His creation when we see the lofty mountain grandeur, an American Bald Eagle in flight, the Aspen in color on a beautiful autumn day and even the amazing masterpiece that He has painted in a field of lilies. But do you ever praise God for the mundane? How about the ant – have you ever considered it? Or a leach, it is not beautiful, but God made it. The documentary “The Riot and the Dance”, narrated by Dr. Gordon Wilson, glories in the mundane and encourages us to do the same.

Dr. Gordon believes that as Christians, we should study everything that God wrote and made. He was once told that he would never succeed as a biologist if he could not get away from all the “silly-Creator-creature” nonsense. As you watch “The Riot and the Dance” you will see that he not only made it as a biologist, but can effectively show how without the Creator we can have no science!

Not All Happy – But All Important

“The Riot and the Dance” shares scenes of the harbor seals (happy seals) in the shallows of central Oregon and contrasts that with the “groanings” of the elephant seals of California and South America – a riotous bunch. Dr. Wilson weaves Scripture in and out of the film backing it up with the evidence of a Creator of the very planet on which we live. He is careful to point out that as Christians we should look at everything through the lens of Scripture. He says that God has given us dominion over creation and that to have dominion and take care of it we need to “know” His creation.

To the Uttermost Parts of the Earth

Dr. Wilson takes us on his trip across the world to places like Montana and Wyoming in the United States where he reminds us that God gave us (man) the job to name the animals and to care for them. As you view the movie, you will enjoy watching the prong horns, moose, bison and big horn sheep. And you will understand exactly why we named them as such.

With breathtaking scenes from Mexico, Arizona, and the Sapphire Sea south of India in Sri Lanka, “The Riot and the Dance” highlights the great and glorious, the small and the majestic as well as some creatures that can easily be forgotten. You will see footage of animals such as pumas, desert wolves, and coyotes not sparing the creepy crawlies like water beetles, lizards, spiders and scorpions. Each critter having a place and purpose in nature. And God gave it all to us!

Do You Like Snakes?

A fair amount of the film “The Riot and the Dance” shows and speaks of the snakes, lizards and other things that are considered part of the science of herpetology. This was not my favorite part of the film, but I made it through! In fact, I was challenged when Dr. Wilson said “Everything that is here exists because of God’s gracious creative affection, and if He loves a thing, then so should we. Even those creatures and people that are in rebellion against Him. After all, everything here is groaning against death because of our fall”. Maybe he was talking to me.

Overall Impression

The nature documentary “The Riot and the Dance” presents a great platform for studying God’s creation – even the parts of it that cause us to shudder. Dr. Wilson brings up some great science and creation facts in a way that makes you want to “think on that”. In fact, I watched the film and then took a day to do exactly that. I was impressed and challenged, delighted and uncomfortable, but most of all I was happy to see a Christian biologist that did not let someone discourage him from following his faith into the uttermost parts of the earth to share such beauty with us. I am looking forward to seeing it on the big screen on March 19th. You will not regret one moment that you spend watching “The Riot and the Dance”.


The Riot and the Dance is a One Day Only Event (March 19th at 7:00 p.m.) Get your ticket for a movie theater near you today…..

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Pamela Rose Williams

Pamela Rose Williams is a wife, mother and grandmother. She and her husband, Dr. Michael L. Williams, have served in Christian ministry since 2001. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Christian Education and spends most of her time as a professional editor and writer, working with many Christian authors and artists. Additionally, she works with her husband using their extensive experience in information technology to provide Christ-centered teaching and resources to people all over the world. Learn more about Pamela at Christianity Every Day. Read how Pamela met Jesus here: Bread of Life.