Everyone has been gifted by God through the Holy Spirit. What are four ways to discover your own spiritual gifts?
Dive Into a Ministry
You can’t learn how to swim by buying a book and reading about it, and the same goes for discovering your spiritual gift. When a lady in our church decided to help with our “children’s church,” she discovered she had a gift for it. She has done a wonderful job since. She wouldn’t have ever known this without diving into it. For others, they can try something and find out it’s not for them–that’s okay. They wouldn’t have known unless they had tried.
Your Greatest Desire
If you had all the time and resources you needed to do something, what would that be? What is the thing you love to do the most? This may be a strong indicator of one of your spiritual gifts. The things we love to do are often the things that we are best at. Right now our church is focusing on “what one thing are we best at.” When we find out what it is, that’s what we need to do.
People Confirm It
Sometimes other people might indicate that you have a gift in a certain area by saying things like “hey, you’re really good at that” or “wow, you made that look easy.” We sometimes have blinders on and can’t easily see our own gifts, so sometimes it takes the confirmation of others, who can see things more objectively than we can at times. If more than one person thinks you’re good at something, listen to and believe them and get rid of your doubts because human feelings and emotions are often not very reliable. When others are saying the same thing about your gift, you might have discovered a gift you didn’t even know you had.
Take a Spiritual Inventory Test
There are many reliable tests available on the Internet that can help you assess your strengths and weaknesses. You might not even be aware of strengths that God has built into your personality. These tests, although not 100%, can show you areas in which you might be able to serve the church and serve others. You might want to take more than one test because some of them may not give you the proper assessment on how you score in certain areas of service. These tests can at least give you a hint or maybe even a strong indication of the gift you have. If you find it, try the first suggestion and dive into the area in which you seem to have a gift.
You could also ask others what they think your spiritual gifts are. Talk to the church members, the pastor, the deacon, or the elder. Jump head first into a ministry you think you might like. Then listen to see if others are confirming this gift in you. Follow your heart’s desire, and then take some spiritual inventory tests. These four things just might be the way to launch you into the proper channel for helping the Body of Christ because that’s the main purpose for which each of us has been endowed with spiritual gifts and abilities, and its always for the glory of God.
May God richly bless you,
Pastor Jack Wellman
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