3 Ways To Use Money For God

Here are three ways you can use your money for God and His kingdom.

Feeding the Poor

When we give to the poor, we’re actually giving to ourselves. That’s what Proverbs19:17 says, “Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed.” Besides, this is what Jesus sees as doing it unto Himself (Matt 25:37) and says, “as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me” (Matt 25:40). Besides, we own nothing (1st Cor 4:7); we are only stewards.

Spreading the Gospel

When we support churches or ministries that spread the gospel, we’re sowing money into the kingdom work of Christ. We are to be the hands, feet, arms, legs, ears, eyes, and mouth of Christ, and this means we’re to go into all the world, but since most of us can’t go into “all the world” (Matt 28:19), we can support those who do. In this way, we can help those who proclaim the gospel by supporting them like Aaron and Hur supported Moses’ arms during a battle (Ex 17:12).

Generous Impulses

I remember a pastor saying, “Never resist a generous impulse.” One day he was standing behind a single mother of two as she was checking out her groceries. The woman was fishing for change in her purse because she was almost three dollars short, so the pastor went up to the cashier and handed her a twenty dollar bill. The woman saw what the pastor did, and not knowing who he was, she started crying. He made her day and helped out a single mother who was overwhelmed enough with trying to raise two children on her own. This pastor had a generous impulse and followed through on it, and while most people might suppress this feeling or impulse to help, he didn’t, so I suggest, never resist a generous impulse. God may be using you to help someone else for Christ.


You can use your money for God and His kingdom when you help to feed the poor or support those who do; when you support those who share the gospel by holding up their hands (financially); and when you stop resisting generous impulses to help people because most don’t.

May God richly bless you,

Pastor Jack Wellman

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