4 Easy Things Christians Can Do To Help The World Become A Better Place

What four things you can do to help the world be a better place?


We live in a fallen world and a people that are broken, just as we are, however the good news is that God cannot fix what is first not broken, and we know God is near the broken hearted and crushed in spirit (Psalm 34:18), so until we acknowledge our brokenness before God, He cannot do anything for us or anything through us. And, it is not in us to make the world become a better place. That will take the strong arm of the Lord to bring better things, but we can make the world a better place to live in for those around us. That brings us to humility. God cannot give His grace to anyone that does not first humble themselves before Him (James 4:6), so if we are humble before God and before others, we’ve already made it a better place by showing humility before others by esteeming others better than ourselves (Phil 2:3).

Walk in the Works

God never saves anyone by their works. That’s because He doesn’t want filthy rags (Isaiah 64:6), but that doesn’t mean we never do any works. We are not saved by works, but saved to do works. The Apostle Paul explains that you and I “are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them” (Eph 2:10). Paul is saying that God long ago foreordained for us to enter into and do good works for His glory, however He leaves it up to us to “walk in them.” Will we? There are no coincidences; only opportunities to seek to do good and then “walk in them.”


There are so many opportunities to serve that I cannot possibly list them all, but when you volunteer your time to help others, you are finding the works that God has appointed for you to walk in (Eph 2:10). I volunteered at a homeless shelter’s meal and clothing giveaway and the feeling I had afterwards was indescribably. Suddenly, my own problems seemed small. What had I been complaining about? Do you want to make a difference in this world? Find a place to serve because there’s usually more positions open than is ever filled.

Brag on Others

The world seems so full of negative things these days. Just watch the news. I call it “the bad news” because rarely is there anything good about it. It’s always full of disasters, crime, fraud, war, terrorism, and after it’s over they say, “Have a good evening.” Here’s what Christians can do to make the world a better place. They can see the good in others and then brag on that person before others. Most of the time people do good things they are never seen or given thanks, so let us be the one to speak good about them and others. Let’s build them up. There’s enough tearing down already.


If we only focus on making the world a better place without sharing the gospel, we’re only making people more comfortable on their way to hell. We must tell them the bad news of their separation from God that their sins have brought (Isaiah 59:2). Only then will the good news of Jesus bridging the gap for sinners will sense (John 3:16-17), so the greatest impact on this world you can make, and into eternity, is to be used by God as a means to save some.

May God richly bless you,

Pastor Jack Wellman

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