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Search Results for: self help

3 Ways to Increase in Godly Wisdom

3 Ways To Increase In Godly Wisdom

Here are three ways that you can increase in godly wisdom in the hopes that you’ll be more Christ-like. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

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The page you are trying to get to no longer exists, but before you go, check out some of our most popular articles. Our Mission Our mission at Faith in the News is to encourage and equip Christians in their daily walk with Christ, providing daily devotionals that can inspire you and help you along the way in your daily ...

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Andrea Bocelli – Si Album Review

 “The emotional depth of this album stands on its own. Andrea Bocelli’s God given gift of vocal expression and ability is unmatched. This album offers a way to listen and feel God’s love and tenderness in each beautiful composition in this album.” Buy it now Andrea Bocelli’s Si Album is a spiritual gift for us all who desire to ...

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Moses – Movie Review

In theaters on September 13th, 15th, & 20th only a three-night event only  Learn more & find a theater A Story of Redemption “This basket reminds me of mother. And it reminds me that God uses foolish and broken things to accomplish His work.” These words, spoken by Moses’s sister Miriam in the Sight & Sound Theatres production of ...

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Encouragement, an Apology & a Blessing

Our Ministry Has Been Averaging 1 Salvation a Day God is doing some amazing things through our ministry. It’s an honor to be a part of what He is doing. We have a pastor on staff that talks with people searching for answers about Jesus and Christianity and he has confirmed, on average, one saved person a day. More than ...

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4 Reasons All Women Should Join a Bible Study

Do you ever find yourself stuck in spiritual rut, wishing for something a little different? Or maybe you just want someone to talk to who believes the way you do. Maybe you’re new to following Christ, and want to find support. Maybe you just want to hang out with people you have a lot in common with to enjoy fellowship, ...

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3 Ways To Make Bible Stories Come Alive For Your Kids

What’s the one thing you wish most for your children? Maybe it’s that they are happy. Maybe it’s that they will have fulfilling careers, or great, Godly friends, or that they will be healthy and live long lives. Or maybe, it’s that they will love Christ and follow Him. I know, I know, that’s the “Sunday School answer,” right? That’s ...

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